Why is Luminair 4 asking me to subscribe?
Luminair 4 is a "hybrid" release, meaning some features are free for existing users, while other features will require a low-cost subscription plan, due to new fixture data licensing and associated server infrastructure costs.
Starting with Luminair 4, instead of creating a major new version with a full upgrade price, we’ve made a decision to move to subscription-based pricing for all new feature updates. This way we can continuously add new features as they are ready, instead of waiting years between major releases.
On iOS and iPadOS, all subscription-based features are optional for v3 users. Existing features from v3 will remain functional for v3 users and will continue to receive maintenance updates if you choose not to subscribe. We want you to be able to continue using the software instead of leaving v3 behind.
The newly released macOS version requires a subscription. (a single subscription gives you access to all iOS, iPadOS, and macOS versions)