Where can I download Luminair v2?
Luminair for iOS v2 can be downloaded from Previous Purchases within the App Store on your device, as long as you are logged in using the same Apple ID originally used to purchase the app.
To browse your previous app purchases, open the App Store app on your device. On an iPhone, tap on the "Updates" tap and then select "Previous Purchases". On an iPad, simply tap on the "Purchases" tab at the bottom of the screen in the App Store app.
If you need further assistance, please get in touch with support. You can also contact iTunes/App Store support directly using the "Report a problem" link in your store purchase history.
To browse your previous app purchases, open the App Store app on your device. On an iPhone, tap on the "Updates" tap and then select "Previous Purchases". On an iPad, simply tap on the "Purchases" tab at the bottom of the screen in the App Store app.
If you need further assistance, please get in touch with support. You can also contact iTunes/App Store support directly using the "Report a problem" link in your store purchase history.