Luminair doesn't detect my Art-Net interface in Connections > Art-Net > Node > Available Nodes
Important: On iOS 14 and above, "Local Network" needs to be turned ON for Luminair in the iOS/iPadOS Settings app > Privacy. It's a new setting in iOS 14 and greater that needs to be turned on, otherwise local network communications are blocked.
In order for Luminair to detect Art-Net interfaces, you'll need to verify that the IP address assigned to your Art-Net interface falls within the same range as your iOS device. We recommend that the first three octets match on both your iOS device and the Art-Net interface.
You should use the configuration utility for your Art-Net interface to change it's IP address.
Luminair 3 recommends which IP address range to assign to your Art-Net interface in the Status view DMX Art-Net Output Node.
Note that some Art-Net equipment does not respond to polling messages, and in those cases will not appear in Luminair's node list. In that case, you can turn Broadcasting to ON and the interface will receive the DMX data as long as both the iOS device and the interface have IP addresses in the same local subnet.
DMX Connections from Synthe FX on Vimeo.